Cream Puff and Custard Fillings Recipe

1:20 AM

I make the ice cream into chunks before fill them up
Today i'm going to share with you guys cream puff and custard fillings recipe. It is easy and yummy. You doesn't have to use custard as the fillings. You can try ice cream as filling instead.( can get my ice cream recipe from my blog) I guarantee it is delicious too. Sorry as i forget to take picture of my custard fillings. =D 

Cream Puff Recipe


1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of water + 1 tbsp of sugar
1/4 tsp of salt
1 cup of flour
4 eggs

1. Preheat oven to 200 degree Celsius.
2. Place butter and water + sugar in medium saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat. As soon as it boils, remove from heat and stir in salt and flour until form a ball.
3. Stir in eggs one by one. You need to stir quickly so the eggs will not scramble.
4. Place batter in a piping bag and pipe out.
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes, do not under bake.  
6. Wait until cool, then make a hole at the bottom or cut it into half then pipe in your favourite fillings. 

Custard Fillings Recipe


2 eggs
250 gm milk
10 gm flour
10 gm corn starch
40 gm sugar
10 gm butter

1. Beat eggs and sugar together until mixed. 
2. Mix milk with flour and corn starch together until well combined.
3. Combined beaten egg mixture with (2).
4. Cook over medium low heat with a large heavy saucepan. Cook until the mixture is thicken. Make sure to stir constantly to avoid burning.
5. Remove from heat when it thicken. 
6. Place in the butter and stir until well combined. 

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